Books & Pamphlets
That Ye May Have Life: A simple health book presenting the ten laws of health and cleanse-and-build program in order to obtain, maintain, and enjoy optimum health. |
To Heal a Nation: A book on family government. The broken homes, the unhappy homes, the un-homes in America testify to the fact of the major attacks against the family unit to break and destroy not only the family, but the nation. This book presents important principles for family restoration, and in turn, the healing of a nation. |
A House NOT Divided: A book on the character of our heavenly Father, showing the important truth that the Law of ten commandments is a transcript of the Divine character. |
The Great Multitude: A book that presents the eternal purpose of our heavenly Father relative to His children and His eternal kingdom. |
Behold, Thy King Cometh!: A book on our heavenly Father---knowing Him and the principles of His kingdom in order that we may recognize Him at His second coming and be prepared for the great event. |
Study notes on the Revelation: An unbound, loose-leaf work presenting precept upon precept with regard to the last book of the holy Scriptures---the Revelation,---an important study for these end times. This work is an expanding one, as time permits and as we learn more and grow more in our understanding of holy Writ. |
- Dear Fellow American
- God Destroys NO Man
- You Need Not be Sick
- Why War?
- Is Your House Burning?
All books and pamphlets are free upon request. Limit one per requester/address.
Order books and pamphlets by e-mail: or call: (928) 240-0450
"The wonderful truth of our heavenly Father is to be sought out by every mind, and the results of many minds are to be brought together from many sources" RH October 23, 1894
"Therefore every scribe (scholar) which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old." Matthew 13:52